HKMF PARTNER ASIA GROUP works with partners to collaborate to survive and thrive through the pandemic by Re-imaging, Re-plan and Recover together by tapping on our partners and resources in Asia Pacific. Together we seize opportunities during adversity by being more agile, adopt a sensible, risk-taking spirit and acquiring new mindsets.


The Covid-19 pandemic has left us with an unpredictable and fluid economy ahead. We are entrenched in a global crisis that is spiraling into a recession not many have experienced in their lifetime. Since end 2019, the pandemic has infected more than 4 million people globally, taken hundreds of thousands of lives and paralyzed global supply chains. In a matter of weeks, sectors such as aviation, tourism, retail, manufacturing and construction are struggling with falling demand and disruption to their operations as a result of the various government measures to contain the spread of Covid-19.


Business leaders need to take a leap of faith by re-imaging the future, re-planning their strategies and adopting a new mindset for recovery. In the post-covid environment, new risks and waves of innovation will emerge. Some of the immediate needs, for example are effective and cost-efficient cleaning services and increased automation and efficient techniques in every sector we operate. 


How do businesses keep up with longer-term structural changes when the economy rebounds? How can companies deal with increasing global risks and increased capital investments? This depends on the effectiveness and agility of corporate strategy and government policies. As innovation in technology takes place, HKMF Partner Asia Group can work with partners to incorporate effective changes into workforce and share lessons on we can survive and thrive in current and post pandemic. We have to collaborate together closely to devise novel solutions and improvise on existing ones to make the best of the evolving situation. We work with our partners to grow locally, globally and virtually. 


In order to survive and thrive post Covid-19., we work with partners to re-image, re-plan and recover. We have good resources you can tap on or invest to gain an upper hand comparing other players in your sector, region and globally. We work together with our virtual innovation and technology to grow your business and an ever-ready workforce that fit as the business and market changes.


Speak to us today for a whole new collaboration to survive and thrive together.






Secrets that your Marketing Agency don't want you to know:


Secrets that other Marketing Agencies won't tell you:


1) Benefits vs Features:


No  agency will tell you how and what exactly can you benefit from their  services. Do they promise you with customers and revenues? Spending a  huge fortune on advertising and marketing without getting the right  attention from the right people is definitely NOT brand building. 


2) Business Strategy 2021:


While  missing out in 2020, what is the "Business & Marketing Trend" in  2021? Rather than JUST focusing on the Digital Marketing and  advertising, how prepared and ready are you for the reopening of  borders? How much does your Agency knows about your competitors? 

How can you impress your customers and outsmart your competitors in 2021?  


3) How to CTA?


What is CTA? CTA means CALL-TO-ACTION. How do we influence your potential customers to CTA? 


4) Does SEO really help?


Yes,  it helps in ranking BUT how well did it serve with your Competitors who  are also using SEO services and how often did you receive the right  attention from the right customers through SEO ranking? There are clicks  to your website BUT STILL are you seeing the right profit and revenue? 


5) AI Technology


Artificial Intelligence Doesn't Just Cut Costs, It Expands Business Brainpower. 


Utilise AI to Reduce Business Operating Costs by: 


-Improving customer experience with Chatbots (24/7) without increased cost.

-Build webpage, software and content writing using AI.

-Use AI for Business and Financial Analysis.


Reduce Human Error:


Human error has always been a concern for organisations  and these errors often can lead a security breach and subsequent loss of revenue for the organisation.


AI Assistant / AI Virtual Assistant: 


For example; AI Voice-enabled banking virtual assistants can handle payments and transfers, credit card activation, password resets, and pay alerts and reminders for customers anytime and from anywhere, freeing up customer services teams to focus on more complex customer enquiries and enhance productivity. 


That's not all. With the appearance of many different AI Voice-enabled virtual assistants, it has become a lot easier for visually impaired individuals to participate in everyday social, business, bank transactions and leisure activities. 



Talk to us today about how we can support your growth, limit your turnover, and put you on a solid track to success and profit.





HKMF is looking to provide accessible intelligent technology that effectively facilitates how school and businesses work in the current situation . 


What we are introducing today is a VRMEET platform that helps everybody get together, maintain communication and visual efficiency before the pandemic whilst staying 100% safe in their own space.   


You’ll be operating, demonstrating, lecturing, discussing, interacting … etc, just like before, as if technological inconvenience never happened! Great for corporate and educational purposes. 


VR & XR is our future. Even Facebook is implementing on Oculus quest now. In fact, oculus quest 2 was recommended by FACEBOOK. Everyone will be using Oculus quest 2 and it is available now.   


Be the first to start with VR now and impress your competitors or Business Associates with the new VR meeting room!  


Here is what our VRMeeting / VRClass offers:  


• Each VR rooms can have max of 20 CCU(concurrent users) at the same time. (For corporate meetings or School classes)  


• We can customise the theme with built-in 5 Free animated 3D models (example if the VR is meant for Biology class, we can provide 5 animated organs like pumping heart, kidney, brain, skeleton, body parts etc..) PS: additional 3D models with additional cost applies.  


•  able to share video clips and images 


•  absolute privacy and internet security 


• choice of using client’s own server OR rent our high-end encrypted server space (We have server storage at different regions: Europe, Hong Kong, Singapore, AUS, Canada, India, Japan, Russia, South America and South Korea. (Absolute Security & Privacy) 


•  Free 2 years 24/7 phone and remote support. (Renewable yearly) 


•  1 time payment (lifetime use)  


• Unlimited updates.  


• Devices: android or Oculus Quest.  Here is what we can offer to sponsors:  


• Free advertising on the application ( for the choice of school : Permanent) 


• Advertising space on our Facebook and Instagram (1 month) and website (permanent)   



  • Second generation comes with more VR Scenes. 
  • Each class can support up to 100 CCU (Concurrent Users).
  • Parents can now monitor VR classes anywhere and anytime! 
  • NEW Supported Devices: Oculus Quest 1 & 2, Go Cardboard & Android Devices.
  • Full 24/7 B2B IT Support Services from (BPIS) Black Pisces IT Solutions PTE Limited.
  • All - In - One Package. One Price , LifeTime Use. 







Passionate Marketing Experts

For the past 8 years, we have helped businesses create their brand presence and achieve their goals under Goodwill A & C and BPIS. Today we're expanding out of Hong Kong and into Asia. Our process is designed to empower your brand and outfit your business with the marketing tools needed to succeed. Talk to us today about how we can support your growth, limit your turnover, and put you on a solid track to success and gaining profit in Asia.


AI Marketing Since 2021



AI-powered marketing strategy with the most advanced digital tools. Data-driven audiences,  churn anticipation, navigation analysis, TV-to-Web impact analysis. 


Cost Savings with Hi-Tech AI Marketing. That's what you require on the way to recovery today.



Our Analytical Approach



Our service includes a comprehensive consult to help identify gaps and opportunities, and results in a comprehensive report that includes a project plan with timelines a cost analysis. Our individualized plans are made up of quality services that will help you get there quickly and smoothly. 



Evolution of Technology



HKMF is backed by the best-in-class technology infrastructure for your one stop service platform. With today's Technology, we're no longer using TV , newspapers or banners for advertising. From 1941 - 2020,  from TVs, newspapers, telemarketing, marketing calls & emails, radio, public transport banners, social media and till today we have influencers live on our devices. With Technology in our hands, we can make full use of our resources to connect between people from any countries.  




Industry Wide Success


We work with a large number of clients from various industries, including:


  • Manufacturer
  • Financial/Banking
  • Technology 
  • Education
  • Hotels & Resorts
  • F & B
  • Fuel / Petroleum 



Our marketing experts are ready assist you in developing a marketing plan that drives your business into Asia.